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A library opens the portals to the infinite world of knowledge. The myriad books in the library transport us back to history, help us to delve into the unknown mysteries of the world and widen our world view. A librarian is present throughout the day, to assist with individual research and to supervise the smooth running of the library facilities.

A good library is a backbone of an educational institution. The spacious library is equipped with all modern amenities. The library has a vast collection of books for B.Ed. course for the subjects i.e. Methodology of Teaching of English, Hindi, Punjabi, Social, Studies, Phy. Education, Economics, Science, Mathematics, History, and all other compulsory subjects. The library Provides reference books including encyclopedia, Dictionary, Atlas, etc.

Library Rules

  1. Non-transferable library cards are issued to all the students and books can be issued only on these cards.
  2. Students must get their library card issued within ten days of joining the college.
  3. Loss of the card should be immediately reported to the Librarian who will issue a duplicate card on payment.
  4. The maximum number of books that can be borrowed at a time is three.
  5. The Library books may be retained by the students up to a period of 14 days after which they must return them. A fine will be charged on per day basis for the books kept for more than 10 days after the date of issue.
  6. If a book at the time of returning to Library is found defaced or damaged in anyway, the last borrower will be required to pay its price for the damage.
  7. Leave / absence from the College does not imply exemption from the return of library books. The books may be returned to the library by post under registered, if necessary.
  8. The Students are expected to observe perfect silence in the Library and are expected not to disturb others.
  9. Students responsibility will not be over until the book is stamped as returned on the Library card.
  10. Student are advised to be very careful in getting the signature of the Librarian on their library card while returning books.
  11. Books borrowed from the library must be returned to the librarian and books at no account will be passed on to other students.
  12. Books reserved for the staff members and reference books, text books, current periodicals are not be issued and are meant for consultation within the library.
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